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The old saying “you get what you pay for” is so true with this product. It works as my labs are regular and their leavings are good. \",\"datePublished\":\"2022-04-12 15:28:26\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"KRrn\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I have fed this to my dogs since they were puppies, I truely believe it helps thier immune system and digestion\",\"datePublished\":\"2019-01-12 08:50:08\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"2.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"puppylove\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I like Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews.\\r\\nSo I ordered it on July 2nd.\\r\\nHowever, until August 2018, the product received the expiration date.\\r\\n180 counts in 3 packs ...\\r\\nI have a 1.6kg (3.5lb) dog.\\r\\nI can not afford a refund or exchange.\\r\\nBecause I live in a foreign country, I receive it through the delivery agent.\\r\\nPlease check again next time.\",\"datePublished\":\"2018-08-12 23:42:14\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"KRrn\"},\"reviewBody\":\"Have been using these since my dogs were puppies, they love tbem\",\"datePublished\":\"2018-05-23 12:48:21\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Jan\"},\"reviewBody\":\"My senior dog was having tummy issues including loose stools and diarrhea. I decided to try this product for her. She has been taking it daily for a few months and her loose stools have cleared up and tummy issues seem to be mostly resolved. I am attributing this to the ProFlora. Excellent product in my eyes!\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-09-12 09:52:04\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Tia2Ben\"},\"reviewBody\":\"My 12-year old mini-poodle LOVES ProFlora probiotic chews! She expects one EVERY morning before her breakfast! This is an excellent product and truly helped Cookie with her digestive issues. We\'ve tried other probiotic chews at 3x the price - but these are just as good (if not better) and very reasonably priced by comparison! YAY!\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-07-28 07:44:43\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"LuAnn\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I give these daily to two Frenchies who are picky eaters. They seem to keep their systems in check when they don\'t want to eat.\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-06-27 14:30:33\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"6-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (360 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"beeman\"},\"reviewBody\":\"Have used this product for 2 years. Never any digestive issues. \\r\\nHowever, Entirely Pets autoship system is not up to par. Be careful when you set this up with them.\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-03-25 08:26:06\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"4.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Shannon\"},\"reviewBody\":\"Great probiotic for dogs with digestion issues.\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-03-24 13:18:47\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"6-PACK Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews (360 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"4.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Ilene\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I started giving these probiotics after our 125 lb yellow lab had knee surgery and was on antibiotics. He loves it. The rest of our large brood got a taste of it - and they line up in the morning for their \'treat.\' I just wish they were more effective in controlling the \'gassy explosions.\'\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-02-23 11:52:56\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Dogmom\"},\"reviewBody\":\"We have three long-haired dachshunds. They are each sensitive to certain foods. Also, two of them have had to take antibiotics due to surgery recently. About a year ago, we started giving them Proflora Plus Probiotic soft chews as an after-meal treat. The incidence of diarrhea has been non-existent since then, where normally they would have difficulty after a round of antibiotics. Plus they just love these chews!\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-01-21 23:45:06\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Purple F.\"},\"reviewBody\":\"The powder form of this was given to my dog during his chemotherapy days and it helped him a great deal easing any stomach issues and no diarrhea at all during treatment. Fast forward to a rambunctious PitBull who has room clearing gas issues. After a short discussion with the vet it was suggested that I try these on a more long term basis. I refer the chewies over the powder because the powder gets sprinkled on the food and chewies are taken after eating. It\'s like putting rolaid in your food and hoping it works rather that eating and then taking the Rolaid - it works much better with food in your stomach. My dog seems to love them and thinks they are a treat for her. While they don\'t completely take away her problem, her room clearing days seem to be over and the gas issue is minimal for now.\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-01-09 10:54:16\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"6-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (360 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Eddy\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I am not sure how this is working, but I am proactive in making sure my dog\'s have the best intestinal system possible, so this made sense to me to use this product\",\"datePublished\":\"2017-01-05 09:01:09\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Jill\"},\"reviewBody\":\"Great product. I live in the country and the dogs pick up and eat everything that falls to the ground. Visiting mice, rabbits, deer, foxes, coyotes leave their deposits. This product has saved my life, and my carpet shampooer.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-10-23 09:17:31\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Plus Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Purple F.\"},\"reviewBody\":\"Pitbulls are notorious for gas issues and mine are no different! I started given this to my Rat Terrier who was going through chemo at the time and it helped his digestive issues. Now , my Pitbull has gas issues and this seems to improve the situation drastically. She does love the taste of them and thinks she\'s getting a treat too. While it doesn\'t take her problems away completely it certainly reduces them and we can all breathe a bit easier!\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-10-21 13:58:46\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"6-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (360 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Nansee\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I recommend this product for my pets and yours as well. \\r\\nPs - my girls do not have any warts at all. They have been on this product since they could eat\\r\\nProbiotics clean the inside and improve internal health and immunity all of which if compromised can lead to those Nasty little bumps we all call warts on dogs .\\r\\nMy previous pets had them and they did reduce with the probiotic but never fully went always, so far, Bambam (9yrs) Tiara (3yrs) and Desiree (6mths) are wart free. I realized Desiree is a little young for these, but I am comfortable knowing she will never have this ugly virus or benign tumours as vets refer to\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-08-02 10:14:14\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Nansee\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I give this to my big girls after breakfast along with their vitamin - morning staple. My little girls have always been a little finicky and would not eat unless I crumbled it in their food.\\r\\nProbiotics are proven to assist with health, immunity and mainly internal intestinal flora.\\r\\nAlthough I have never seen their insides, the girls have never been sick. \\r\\nI would recommend this probiotic - 10 stars\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-08-02 10:06:26\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"4.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Judy\"},\"reviewBody\":\"My 2 dogs\' eyes are looking so much better, after I started using Proflora. The staining around their eyes is much less a problem now.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-08-01 13:41:12\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Purple F.\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I have 5 dogs and one Pit Bull has terrible gas - she\'s also my vomiting dog. At 70 pounds I give her two of these about 1\\/2 hour after her dinner and it has curbed her gas issues quite a bit. We are thankful for that! She loves these things and eats them as if they were treats. My other dog was on chemo and my vet recommended the powder form for his diarrhea and that also worked liked a champ! Great product and I give it regularly to my dogs.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-07-13 11:21:06\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"6-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (360 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"GiGi\"},\"reviewBody\":\"We had been using a probiotic chew that worked very well for our 13 yr old Black and Tan Spaniel with pancreas problems. It was no longer available but Morgan B at Entirely Pets researched and found Proflora with the same ingredients and it is working just as well. We feel Morgan B and Proflora are both great!\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-06-04 18:11:30\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Nansee\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I have 3 dogs and 2 of the three love their probiotic. They get it every morning after breakfast.\\r\\n\\r\\nI think the probiotic is either too large or just not to the liking of my little Bambam. She is 9 lbs and eating the soft chew is more than she can handle.\\r\\nI was crushing\\/crumbling it into her food but somehow she knew it was there and ate around it.\\r\\nJust not for her.\\r\\n\\r\\nMy two large standard poodles would eat the package if they could\\r\\n\\r\\nI am rating this 5 stars cause Bam has always been a spoiled little princess and the product is exceptional.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-05-23 19:48:02\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"6-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (360 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"top o.\"},\"reviewBody\":\"We use this on both our German Shepard puppy (17 wks.) and our 10 year old German Shepard. Both seem to be doing better with digestion and with stomach virus issues.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-05-07 07:54:25\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"3.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Bonnie\"},\"reviewBody\":\"I\'ve been using the Vetri-Science Everyday Probiotics for years now, with no problems. After those became unavailable, EntirelyPets recommended that I try Proflora. Immediately after starting these, one of my dogs began to have runny stools. I stopped the Proflora, and the runny stools stopped. There are excellent reviews on here about this product, so it could just be that my pup is sensitive to these for whatever reason. Just something to watch for when starting your pups on these...\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-05-06 11:22:03\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Shelley\"},\"reviewBody\":\"This has really helped my little dog with his sensitive stomach. We had immediate positive results.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-05-02 11:05:25\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Molly\"},\"reviewBody\":\"This a really good product and one that my fur daughter looks forward to each day. She doesn\'t know how good it is for her...thinks it is just a treat.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-05-02 09:11:31\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"TxLady812\"},\"reviewBody\":\"My Greyhound has Discoid Lupus which effects his digestive and intestinal system. I give him two soft chews a day and they help with his digestive issues and stools. His appetite is better and helps him to have healthier stools.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-04-10 17:56:57\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"GiGi\"},\"reviewBody\":\"With an aged dog, doing well on Vetri-Probitic Soft Chews, we were frustrated to find it no longer available. Morgan Bradbury, in customer service, did some research and found Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews to be an excellent replacement for it...ingredients, effectiveness, flavor....our dog has accepted it well and is doing just fine. Thanks to Morgan and Entirely Pets for the help.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-04-06 18:10:05\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Mj\"},\"reviewBody\":\"no more bad breath! And she loves them. She also doesn\'t know how good these are for her immune system as well as her digestive health. Will be buying these forever.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-03-16 12:07:45\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"3-PACK Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (180 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"hello\"},\"reviewBody\":\"My dog likes to snack.\\r\\nProbiotics are good.\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-03-15 03:03:08\"},{\"@type\":\"Review\",\"itemReviewed\":\"Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)\",\"reviewRating\":{\"@type\":\"Rating\",\"ratingValue\":\"5.0\"},\"author\":{\"@type\":\"person\",\"name\":\"Johnmiller50\"},\"reviewBody\":\"My two girls loves this product, and I can see a huge difference in their activity, they seem more playful more energetic and have only started using Proflora. even their appetite has increased. I just wish I knew about this product sooner. I will always use Proflora from this day on!\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-03-12 15:17:23\"}],\"aggregateRating\":{\"@type\":\"AggregateRating\",\"reviewCount\":\"176\",\"ratingValue\":\"4.5\"}}" document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); ; //*** time check 5 (0.06067s elapsed) //*** mod_storeClosed called //*** time check 6 (0.06093s elapsed) //*** time check 7 (0.06094s elapsed) var pdServerTime = new Date("2025-03-14T07:56:17-05:00"); var pdProductId = "proflora-probiotic-chews"; //************************************************ //************ JS/CSS FILE ROUTINES ************* //************************************************ function pdLoadJsCssFile(filename, filetype){ if (filetype=="js") { var fileref=document.createElement('script'); fileref.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); fileref.setAttribute("async",true); fileref.setAttribute("src", filename); } else if (filetype=="css") { var fileref=document.createElement("link"); fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); fileref.setAttribute("href", filename); } if (typeof fileref!="undefined") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref); } function pdAddStyle(css) { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = css; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(style); } //*** time check 8 (0.06095s elapsed) /* pdGetElementsByClassName -- Revised to avoid JS conflicts with libraries that override native "getElementsByClassName" browser function in IE Developed by Robert Nyman, Code/licensing: */ var pdGetElementsByClassName = function (className, tag, elm){ var ieVersion = getInternetExplorerVersion(); if (ieVersion == -1 && document.getElementsByClassName) { pdGetElementsByClassName = function (className, tag, elm) { elm = elm || document; var elements = elm.getElementsByClassName(className), nodeName = (tag)? new RegExp("\b" + tag + "\b", "i") : null, returnElements = [], current; for(var i=0, il=elements.length; i -1) { if(signatureList[i] == 'android') { //*** ONLY CONSIDER android a mobile device if "mobile" is also present in user agent string if(agent.indexOf("mobile") > -1) isMobile = true; } else { isMobile = true; } } } return isMobile; } function pdIsIpad() { var isIpad = false; var signatureList = new Array('ipad'); var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); for(var i=0;i -1) isIpad = true; } return isIpad; } function pdIsTablet() { var isTablet = false; var signatureList = new Array('ipad', 'android'); var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); for(var i=0;i -1) { isTablet = true; //*** ASSUME TABLET if(signatureList[i] == 'android') { //*** ONLY CONSIDER android a mobile device if "mobile" is also present in user agent string if(agent.indexOf("mobile") > -1) isTablet = false; } else { isTablet = true; } } } return isTablet; } function pdFormatCurrency(num, includeDollarSign) { num = num.toString().replace(/$|\,/g,''); if(isNaN(num)) num = "0"; sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num))); num = Math.floor(num*100+0.50000000001); cents = num%100; num = Math.floor(num/100).toString(); if(cents<10) cents = "0" + cents; for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++) num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+','+ num.substring(num.length-(4*i+3)); var returnValue = (((sign)?'':'-') + num + '.' + cents); if(includeDollarSign == true) returnValue = "$" + returnValue; return returnValue; } function pdFindParentForm(element) { var elm,parentForm; for (elm = element.parentNode; elm; elm = elm.parentNode) { if(elm.tagName.toLowerCase() == "form") { parentForm = elm; break; } } return parentForm; } function pdHideForLoggedInUser() { var hideList = pdGetElementsByClassName("pdHideForLoggedInUser", null); for(var i=0;i (176 reviews)"; elements.forEach(element => { element.innerHTML = newHtml; }); elements = document.querySelectorAll(".pdRatingStarsWrapper[productId='3-pack-proflora-probiotic-soft-chews-180-count'], .pdRatingStarsWrapper[data-itemid='3-pack-proflora-probiotic-soft-chews-180-count']"); newHtml = "
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