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54 Reviews
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98% Recommend this product (53 of 54 responses)
By lias
Best Product!!
January 2, 2012
When nothing else worked for my dog's diarrhea, this did!!! I tried pepto bismol, immodium, pumpkin, yogurt--nothing worked until a friend told me about this stuff. It's natural and it really does work!! It's a life saver and I pass on the name of this whenever I can!
By Sandi
Half the price my Vet charges
October 23, 2011
I love Pro-Pectalin Anti-Diarrhea Gel, I can use it for both Cats and Dogs digestion problems. Buying online at Entirely Pets was much less expensive than my Vet.
By JennyluvsRebaandDixie
Cape Cod, MA
May 27, 2010
My little Papillon, Dixie (1.9 yrs old) has had the typical small dog issues with her stools since she was a pup (who ever decided to breed a small breed dog with long butt hair wasn't really thinking "practical"! I like to compare it to a woman trying to go to the bathroom in a wedding dress!) and about 1 year ago she had a BAD bout of Pancreatitis that landed her in the Emergency Hospital for 6 days (a pretty penny- about $2700.00! Thank goodness for Pet Insurance!). This product has been a life saver for both Dixie and me! Ofcourse no over-the-counter medication is an equal replacement for veterinary care if your dog is ill, but this is a great product for every pet owner to have on hand! It's great for the occasional upset stomach and when your dog gets into the cat food, trash, etc. It's also been great with the history of Pancreatitis, if Dixie gets an upset stomach after my regular vet's office hours, it works almost immediately and it helps prevent the dangerous symptoms associated with moderate to severe diarreaha such as dehydration (it doesn't take many loose bowel movements for an 8lb. dog to get dangerously dehydrated), vomiting blood and bloody diarreaha from an irritated G.I. tract, etc,. This has helped by me time to get through the night without having to take Dixie back to the outrageously expensive Emergency Hospital and calms her symptoms until our regular vet opens. It's worth shelling out the few bucks to have this on hand rather than the costs of an emergency visit! It's some sort of Doggie-Murphy's-Law that your pet only gets sick at 2am... I call it Doggie- Immodium, it really does work great and my vet said it's great to have on hand and perfectly safe to give your pet. It says on the label (or somewhere in the advertisement) that your pet will love the taste and the review from "Snoozer" before mine said their dog liked it, but unfortunately I have them beat with "picky-dog factor" Dixie HATES it! The good thing is that because its a nice thick paste as long as I get it somewhere on her muzzle (she puts up a fight like you wouldn't believe- but that stems from being treated poorly and force-fed as a puppy, it's not the products fault) she does lick it off and gets enough medicine in her system to be effective! So overall, I highly recommend every dog and cat owner to have this in your home, even if your animal doesn't have a history of GI issues! Most people have Immodium or pepto in their medicine cabinets, shouldn't you do the same for your pet? PS- the cats LOVE the taste! They even lick the paper towel I wipe my hand off on after giving it! Reba, my Pomeranian (also a picky eater- just not as bad as Dixie) doesn't mind the taste and it's easier and more pleasant than shoving a pill down their throats!
By Snoozer
Washington DC
Effective, easy dosage/admin
February 24, 2010
A sick dog isn't eager to chew big tablets, or at least mine isn't. But the Pro-Pectalin gel is easy to measure, isn't hard to get into the dog's mouth, and apparently doesn't taste bad (says the owner of the pickiest dog on earth). It combines traditional stool firming ingredients, kaolin and pectin, plus probiotics to help get the gut back on track. There are other effective products out there, but if it is hard to get IN to the dog, they don't do much good.

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