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176 Reviews
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97% Recommend this product (170 of 176 responses)
Dallas, TX
This works
November 19, 2013
I used to use powder probiotic and had to mix it in with pumpkin so my labs would eat it. Very time-consuming... I found these chews and my dogs love! It seems to be doing the trick. Both of my dogs are over 100 lbs each and I give them 2 a day each. I could probably bump it up to 3 a day do to size. In short, neither has had stomach trouble since. I hope this is the magic formula!!
By Angel
Davie, FL
Probiotic that works well
November 17, 2013
We are currently feeding our Lab this excellent probiotic, and it is working very well... would recommend.
By sunny_gs
Great Probiotic!
November 8, 2013
My dog used to have issues -- periodic diahrrhea -- but since taking this, she has been regular with no issues.
By starnorthwest
Stanwood, WA
Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews
October 27, 2013
My dogs love them and I love how they have regulated them, Pepper had such a sensitive stomach and soft stools now he is so much more regular.
By Dobie999
Works Great
October 4, 2013
We've been giving the Proflora soft chews to our 1 yr Dobie for last couple of months. He's always getting to something in the backyard which would give him upset stomach and very soft stool. A week into taking the probiotics, his stool is normal and he is a very happy camper.
By Keegan's M.
Really Helps
October 2, 2013
This product has helped with his frequency of colitis attacks!
By Kindle C.
Terrific product-used successfully on two dogs
September 28, 2013
Have used 15 months on 47# Brittany after diagnosed with C. Diff and put on Fortiflora (ick). After infection resolved, i decided to keep him on a probiotic for his frequently sensitive GI tract. Has had NO loose stools all this time. New adoptee, English Setter-also on it for a month....excellent stools - no tummy upsets. Came to us on yucky food with soft stools-changed to Wellness and proflora and she's doing terrific!
* This product review was collected by the manufacturer.
By gigi
Las Vegas, NV
Its not the best probiotic
September 27, 2013
I fed my pekipom proflora 2days after taking antibiotics from her lung infection. She liked it for about 4 days then she just didn't eat it like she used to. She would eat it later. As the video shows that all dogs love the taste...Hmmm..I am not too sure about that.
By jean
dogs love it!!
September 23, 2013
have 2 airedales and my girl dog have a sensitive stomach. this probiotic had been helpful and they both love the taste.
By starnorthwest
Proflora works wonders
September 18, 2013
I have two Shih-tzu with different issues one with scooting and soft and the other with the sensitive tummy constant rumble and runny stools. They are on a good no grain food. I bought Proflora and started them on a half a chew and moved up. What a difference a 100 percent improvement in their stools and they love them. Win win for us both I highly recommend this product.
By Azdogmom
Coolidge AZ
Smells good
September 18, 2013
You can smell the brewers yeast in this, in a hot dry climate they dry out quickly.
By Animaluver
Great Probiotic
September 12, 2013
My 'gurls' liked Proflora, the biggest hurdle, and I feel good about doing something proactive for their health & well being.
Excellent Product
September 10, 2013
My dog is eager to eat these and they have been very effective in curing the tendency to overly loose stools that he was experiencing. We had tried various high quality foods with limited ingredients and still do feed one of them, but the diet alone was not sufficient to solve the problem. Since giving him one chew with each of his two meals a day there have been absolutely no problems (and pick-up is far easier).
By I X.
Aids in digestion but not tasty to my dogs
September 3, 2013
These chews contain quality U.S. made ingredients, active bacteria. My dogs responded well to half a chew daily for two months. I will consider continuing to give my dogs these chews. Just beware that your dogs may not find them yummy. Mine never took to them so I had to crush them into their daily kibble meal. This formulae seems to contain the strongest combination of pre and probiotics I've found off the "shelf". If your dog doesn't need as much bacteria, I suggest trying Gentle Digest chews fro Ark Naturals (which my dogs do find tasty and will eat these small chews when offered to them).
* This product review was collected by the manufacturer.
By Cockermom
Dallas, TX
Good product
August 14, 2013
Comparable to the expensive Forti-Flora. Seems to help my dog.
By Bosco
No more tummy problems!
August 7, 2013
Given daily, proflora has helped my Bassett Hound deal with a sensitive tummy. I feed him high quality food, but he still tends to get tummy issues. Proflora has helped to keep him "regular".
By Dogmom
Awesome product!
July 22, 2013
My dog Millie has had digestive problems, causing frequent bouts of diarrhea. Adding rice to her food only helped for so long. Now we give her one Pro Flora after her morning meal. She no longer has diarrhea or loose stools. This has been such an easy solution to a messy problem.
By Kobe
slow introduction
July 17, 2013
The probiotic supplement I use to buy for my dog changed it's formula and just didn't work the same for my senior dog. Based on the reviews, I thought I'd give this one a try. My dog must have loved the flavor because he didn't hesitate to eat it. However, that night his stomach began to rumble quite a bit. I thought it was just hunger pains, but the next morning his stool was very loose and much lighter in color. Long story short, I stopped giving him the probiotic for a few days to see if things cleared up and it did. After consulting my vet, I started giving him one every three days to see how things went. It went well. Stool was softer (like it was with the other brand my dog would take), it seemed like his stools were larger in quantity, and he seems to have more energy. After three weeks, I started giving him one every two days. Now he's taking it every day and doing well. It's a great product, but in our situation we had to slowly introduce it.
By RSH228
Mechanicsburg, PA
A good dietary addition
July 12, 2013
I break one into each of my dogs dinner bowl, since it's recommended for 'after meals'. I think it helps with their bowel movements. The little guy had giardia when he came from the breeder, and his stools are now almost normal. I intend to keep using them.
By Charlies m.
Proflora is a fantastic product
July 2, 2013
Charlie, our adopted Brittany (approx 5yrs old) was having problems with occ. loose stool-seemed like this was happening on a more frequent basis when we gave him any small additive (table food) to his diet (which is assorted premium hard food mixed w/ variable low fat meats from the table). After an episode w/ C. Diff (drinking pond water when out for a run one day a year ago), a Vet ordered a purina probiotic. Of course we don't use purina, but i went looking for other,better options and found this. For the past year, he's gotten it on a regular basis-as a treat when he comes in from his last potty break for the night. NO problems with loose stools or gas since using this-and its been almost a YEAR. Convinced this helps him and he will stay on it forever if it makes him more comfortable! Note: compare origin of microorganisms in this product and purina. PRIMO stuff!
By Lucy D.
Corpus Christi, TX
Good for dogs with sensitive stomachs
July 1, 2013
One of my 3 dogs has a very sensitive stomach (undoubtedly due to the amount of stuff he finds to eat outside which he shouldn't). This product really seems to help a lot. I had previously tried a powder that I got from the vet, but this works better.
Good Choice
June 23, 2013
Keeps our Bouvier with a rather sensitive stomach in good shape.
By IDigWesties
Little Rock, AR
Great addition to your dog's diet
June 19, 2013
In my experience, adding probiotics to my own diet made a noticeable difference in my overall wellness, so adding one to my dogs' diet was a no-brainer. Balancing their intestinal bacteria as well as boosting their immune systems were the benefits I was most interested in and I have not been disappointed. In researching for a broad-spectrum product, Proflora met my criteria. Plus, 3 of our 4 dogs love the taste and will take Proflora as a treat. The 4th will take it as a treat sometime, but mainlyhas it broken over her breakfast. After over a year on the product, I can say our girls have never been healthier and their coats never thicker and prettier. Proflora has mostly eliminated their tummy rumbles, occasional upset tummies or loose stools. It's also been great to fine-tune their immune system for traveling to different parts of the country where the water is different and they are coming in contact with new bacteria. It seems to help fortify them against those changes causing an imbalance. Try Proflora for at least a month minimum to notice benefits. This product works systemically so benefits are gradual. If you don't plan to add it as a daily supplement, I at least encourage you to use Proflora for a month or two any time you've had your dog on antibiotics. Just as in humans, the antibiotics kill the good and the bad bacteria in the digestive system and to rebalance the system quickly, a probiotic is necessary.
No Rumbling Tummy
June 17, 2013
One of our Yorkies has digestion trouble. Her tummy will squeal, rumble and generally make strange noises. Soon, her bowels are a bit soft. I have been giving her 1/3 tab a day, and so far she is doing great.
Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews
May 10, 2013
Product works very well to keep puppies (6 months old) with normal bm's (not runny). Very easy and convenient to use - it's like giving your dog a treat and they love it. Will definitely purchase again.
* This product review was collected by the manufacturer.
By Ebony
Northern Colorado
So Far So Good
May 7, 2013
I purchased thse probiotics for my 6 year old standard poodle in-lieu of the very expensive ones available at the vet's office. I give one daily with her evening meal and it seems to help with her digestive system and is affordable too! Mission complete..
By Kahlua's M.
great product
May 6, 2013
I have no problem with this company that I purchased the proflora from, I gave them a 5star. I do have one gripe, everytime I need to order this item, the price keeps going up...I order every couple of months and its costing more and more...............
* This product review was collected by the manufacturer.
By nanip
Los Angeles
Works well
May 2, 2013
This is an easy "treat" I give to my dog after breakfast each day. Seems to work well and she doesn't hesitate taking it.
Love these
April 29, 2013
Our retired Greyhound has a sensitive stomach and can get diarrhea easily. These probiotics don't have all the extra unnecessary ingredients as FortiFlora and work like "magic" to keep his stools perfect. We give him an extra one when one of us is away on travel to overcome the stress that causes him. And we think he loves these chews more than us. He gets one after morning potty and late night potty and he BOLTS through the front door straight to the fridge to wait for it. Lives for these!
By Jan
Wonderful purchase!!
April 26, 2013
Got Proflora Probiotic Soft chews for my 12 year old Yorki-poo. She has stomach problems several times a year. Hate doing antibiotic from vet every time, so decided to try this.. Amazing! One chew a day and no stomach problems. She only poops every other day and that has become easier for her. She is happier and so am I. Just ordered second bag, good for 2 months!!!
By Cath
New Zealand
Great Stuff
April 21, 2013
This is an amazing product and I would recommend it to any body that has a dog with a sensitive stomach. My dog used to get loose bowel motions often and smelly wind. Since going on Proflora Probiotic she does not suffer from these problems and seems much happier in herself and our noses are happier. She has not had to go to the vets and go on scour ban(vet drug) for 9 months, she has been on Proflora for about 10 months. GREAT PRODUCT! We send from New Zealand to get this product that is how good it is.
By stalkergranny
McIntosh NM
stopped scotting
April 17, 2013
I have 5 dogs and seen this product while looking around . this I need to try. sure am glad I did ,they are not scotitng all over my carpets anymore thank you so much
By holly c.
salt lake city, ut
April 15, 2013
My one dog has had digestive issues since we got her and the pro-biotics have helped a lot. These seem to be just as effective as the vetri-science capsules (I can't tell if they are any more effective), so I alternate between the two. My dogs, however, obviously prefer these to the capsules. I use the chew as a training reward and these appear to be extremely high-value in their eyes.
By Donnie
Review for Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews (60 Count)
March 21, 2013
I keep Proflora on hand at all times. I give it when any of my dogs show signs of tummy trouble. It gets them back on track in about a week, sometimes less. Reasonably priced compared to similar products, just as effective. Dogs enjoy the flavor so it's easy to give.
By Mush-Push
Valley Stream, NY
ProFlora Probiotic
March 21, 2013
Terrific product. Great for my dog's digestive tract. Loves the soft chew. My dog eats it like a treat.
By christine57
Melbourne Australia
Good for the belly
March 20, 2013
I give this to my older poodle who has a sensitive tummy and it works
By Griffy106
Lak Balboa, CA
Great product
March 19, 2013
My poor Shih Tzu had bouts of loose bowel movements. I had her tested and there were no parasites. I read that probiotics were good for this problem and decided to try this. It is amazing, my dog feels so much better. She is actually eating normally again and running around like a puppy. I know she is feeling better because her stools are firmer and she has less gas problems. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to do all they can to make their baby feel better.
By Phil1336
Key West, FL
Proflora Probiotic Soft Chews
March 13, 2013
Been using the Purina Powder Envelopes of FortiFlora before I gave these (chews) a try. So far appears to work just as good and my Golden doesn`t mind the taste. Think I will stick with the Chews as long as she takes them willingly. Also, a bit less expensive as well.
By toys
The Anti-Fartiness Treats
March 12, 2013
These seem to take quite a while to help regulate our dogs' digestive system, but once they have been taking the supplement consistently for a few weeks... we can really smell a difference. We are all breathing much easier.
By Esther L.
Hampton, VA
Great product
March 4, 2013
Ordered the product and arrived in a couple of days. The tablets look and smell similar to another brand I was using but that does not matter because it works. Recommend for any canine owner with an aging dog having gastro issues..
By ADalsmom
Tampa, FL
Corrected Digestive/intestinal issues....
February 25, 2013
My Dalmatian had looser stools and regular gas. After giving her Proflora, these problems have been resolved! Normal stools are much easier to pick up for sure! Proflora smells delicious and are a beefy chew. My dog loves them as a treat!
By Thelrose
So far, so good
February 22, 2013
I got these based on a recommendation by two friends. We all have westies and they tend to have a tendency to spit up in the morning on an empty stomach. I was told it takes several weeks to take effect. Their dogs love them, mine is a bit more fussy but we easily break it up into small pieces and mix with his food. So far so good and we will continue with these.
By ADalsmom
Tampa, FL
Proflora is a great help!
February 10, 2013
My Dalmatian was having looser stools. This is a small chewable treat that goes down real well. She has fewer stomach grumbles and less it's a win-win for both of us! 1 chew a day does the trick!
By Abby's M.
Best product EVER!
February 3, 2013
I have a 14 year old Aussie that has occasional problems with her digestion. This product works wonders and she actually enjoys taking them.
By mzee
Probiotic chew
February 3, 2013
Wow. I paid a ton for a much poorer quality product (PURINA Fortiflora (ick)) prescribed by an ER vet office last spring for a bout of acute diarrhea. Thought i'd have this on hand for the next time around-the content is much better than Purina (which uses animal digest as an ingredient). I read in reviews many keep their dogs on this full time. I began doing so last month when this arrived-as we were traveling and our boy seems to have developed a "delicate" constitution w/ occasional episodes of diarrhea when we travel. Since using this product-for the past 5 weeks-Not one episode of diarrhea!!!! EXCELLENT product.
By SussyQ
Prescott Valley, Arizona
Great Product!
January 25, 2013
I am satisfied with this product. It is helping my dachsund, since she is Miss Piggy. Her stomach is more settled and she seems more alert and moving easily. She is 14-years old. Thank you.
January 23, 2013
I am a great believer in probiotics for all our animals. Our dog thinks she is getting a treat and in a way, she is. It not only tastes good but it keeps her digestive system running smoothly
By bittersweet
st louis mo
great value
January 12, 2013
I have used a different product in powder form for my dogs for years. Although we have just started this, it is early to tell. However, my pups always love little treats so they enjoy them. Good service and pricing.
By Gordonista
Manhattan Beach, CA
Proflora: excellent dietary aid
January 10, 2013
My dog, Trixie, had nothing but stomach problems from when she was a puppy, more food changes than I can count didn't seem to help until we started her on Proflora. Whether she finally outgrew it or it's the Proflora, I don't know, but she loves it and I'm not going to mess with success.
By Claud
Great product.....
January 8, 2013
I started giving Proflora to my dalmatian about 3 wks ago and it completely cleared up her problems.....primarily gas and soft stools.

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