By Glenice
October 21, 2016
Our neutered male cat did not appreciate when we adopted my mother-in-law's neutered male last winter. We used a very gradual introduction and, except for a couple of hiccups, it seemed to be working Then for some reason, our cat became aggressive and the new cat spent his days in hiding. Marking was a common problem, too!
A friend suggested Feliway. What a change! Both cats sometimes choose to eat beside each other, they occasionally play AND there is no more marking! Thank you!
By Stitch
Chico, CA
Feliway is the way to go!
March 24, 2016
We were having problems with our male cat who is 13 years old... he shares the run of the house with 2 teenagers and 2 dogs. Over the past few months he's become extremely anxious and has taken up hiding in the bedroom, which has brought on other behavioral problems. While we made some changes with where the dogs are allowed in the house, and it alleviated some of the problems, our cat has still been exhibiting some anxiousness. I haven't used Feliway in years. After reading about how to help our cat get through his anxiousness, we decided to bring back the Feliway. We now have a Feliway diffuser in every room of our home and we even purchased the Feliway spray to use on furniture and other areas that he has taken up using as a scratching post. After about 2 weeks, we can definitely say that things are 100% better. Our cat is no longer hiding and he even comes out and parades around the house in front of the dogs and the kids. The Feliway has certainly helped calm his nerves! I will most certainly be buying it again from Entirely Pets... they have the best prices around AND the shipment arrived promptly. The little sample cat snacks that came with our order were fabulous as well... the cat has fallen in love with the Kitty Crack, so we'll be adding that to our next order!
By Redwing
Portland, OR
Stopped my cats from marking and fighting
March 21, 2016
I have an older female and a young female. The young female was hissing a lot at the older cat, and the older cat was marking in the house A LOT. As soon as I installed a diffuser on each floor, everything improved. No more marking and the cats generally seem much more at ease with each other and in general. Highly recommended.
Twinsburg, OH
This stuff works
December 31, 2015
I have 5 cats and 3 of them were born to feral parents. I have now made them my pets and this Feliway does help calm them and keeps them from urinating in areas other than the litter box. I learned of this product first from my vet. Then I learning I could buy it online at Entirely Pets for a bit less. I highly recommend this to anyone that might have a cat issue.
By meme
worth the cost
October 31, 2015
Easy way to keep available for use-the liquid seems to be helping to lessen bad behaviors in most of my cats--and the diffuser was what made the difference-just the spray was not quite enough, but diffuser saw some real improvement in behavior. I am pleased and relieved.
By Bebe
Homosassa, FLorida
Product lived up to its name.
October 17, 2015
Our female cat was forever fighting with her brother and he was living under a bed, so afraid of her. The product seemed to calm her down and relieve the stress of the male cat. The fighting upset me terribly and I was at the end of my rope as to what to do...the diffuser worked.
By judycarr
Omaha, NE
best product for calming multicat households
October 10, 2015
Our household of multiple cats would not be the same without this product. It prevents spats and spraying behaviors. We won't accept substitutes:-)
By my4cats
Raleigh, NC
It works!
September 17, 2015
We have three cats. We found a cute little kitten who we adopted. The older cats were not happy about their new baby sister. Then we purchased the Feliway Electric Diffuser. It takes a few days, but they have all calmed down. Even our grumpiest cat is happy! They all get along and now play together. Thank you Feliway!
By granny T.
Great stuff
July 3, 2015
I have a10 year Himalayan neutered male cat.
When I started bringing feral kittens home to tame and find family's for them he started peeing in the floor, on my shoes and on all the rugs. He has been doing this for 4 years it has been a nightmare I was at the breaking point when I heard about Feliway, used it ONE month and he stopped his bad habits and I would recommend this product to everyone, it truly works
By Patti
Folsom, California
By Cindie
Newark, DE
Feliway Electric Diffusers
April 13, 2015
This product was recommended to me ... I have 7 cats ... 6 female and 1 male ...I also rescue ... every time I bring in a rescue in the house my male cat sprayed everywhere ... thanks to Feliway ... he's only sprayed 2 times within the past 30 days ... I would HIGHELY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT !!!
By 4cats
Worth the money
March 31, 2015
We have been using Feliway Diffusers off and on for quite a while. Recently two new cats moved into the neighborhood. The territorial marking began! We brought out the diffusers, but they didn't seem effective. I noticed there was a lot of old brown gunk on them and remembered it is recommended to replace the diffusers. We ordered new diffusers and some needed refills. What a relief! The marking has ended.
By Barbara
Colorado Springs, CO
Excellent Product
March 11, 2015
I have a 5 year old cat that started pooping and peeing outside of the litter box after I had new flooring installed. I took him to the vet and the vet said he was suffering from anxiety. The cat was put on Prozac and trying to get a pill down him on a daily basis was torturous. It did not work. I was going crazy cleaning up the messes. I tried the Feliway diffuser product and put in three diffusers in the areas where he was generally pooping. It worked like magic and he hasn't had an accident since installing the diffusers. I am overjoyed.
By Joanne
Works well
February 22, 2015
I have a newly rescued kitty - a patched Tabby. As soon as I plugged in the 3 diffusers I noticed a difference. It still has not resolved the war between the new torti and a calico, but for the 7 others it certainly helped. I still use the spray when things get really serious.
By j_ro
Pittsburgh, PA
Feliway diffusers work!
January 21, 2015
My male cat's spraying decreased considerably with the use of the plug-in diffusers.
By Annette
Blowing Rock, NC
Keeping the peace
January 18, 2015
Have a new rescued kitten and my 2 year old rescue does NOT like her one bit!!!! My third loves everyone. The diffusers have helped calm everyone down a little. Hopefully in time they will learn to get along. This isn't my first rodeo so I know it will take several months. This will keep it down to a low roar in the meantime.
By Frank
Albany, N.Y.
Calms Cats
January 17, 2015
We have used Feliway for 7 years along with Pheromone collars to calm three of our cats. One is aggressive, one is a scaredy cat and pulls out her hair and one is a pariah cat. It works for all three cats and we don't have to keep track of when to replace them. The cats' behaviors return and we know the month is up. Both the Feliway and the Pheomoine collars are HIGHLY recommended
By Claire
Granite Falls, WA
Great purchase
January 16, 2015
My 4 year old male cat started spraying near his food area, after purchasing the Feliway Diffuser and using it for a month the spraying has stopped. My aunt had told me about this product and it has helped her cat also.
By Sally
Depew, New York
Not so hot!!
September 13, 2014
I bought four Feliway Diffusers on recommendation of my vet to calm my cats down. One cat redirected his aggression on his brother after seeing a stray cat outside his window and my vet thought this would help calm them down. I have not seen any change in either cat so now having to rehome one of them. However I did hear from a vet staff that this worked for her in similar situation so don't give up on it.
By Tammy
Arlington, VA
Saved My Household!
August 18, 2014
My vet recommended this product. I actually bought the calming collar in conjunction with the diffusers. Both are made by various manufacturers and the Comfort Zone & Feliway were out of stock at the store, so I ordered them online, and bought the Sentry brand in the store right away. Everything is working!! Everyone is hugs every day. I have 2 cats from the shelter. One was being very aggressive with his playfulness and the other was becoming tense and stressed out by the 1st cat's behavior. The more aggressive kitty had come from being a community cat (feral), so he was a little rough around the edges. He wanted to chase and wrestle the gentler kitty for hours and hours a day. He'd even follow the little fellow to the cat box and not let up the whole time he was trying to *go*. I had to put the aggressive kitty in "time-out" isolation sometimes. The poor little gentle kitty was on guard at all times. Immediately the collar calmed down the aggressive cat. Now he's Mr. LoveBug, and the diffusers seem to have had an immediate calming effect on the other gentler kitty. Now the kitty formerly known as Mr. Aggressive Cat plays more gently and grooms the gentler kitty. I've had the product for about 2 weeks now, and the behavior is getting better each day. They are both super mellow, and so much less hyper and tense. I can now sleep through the night and my bed isn't the scene of a wrestle-fest. They've both been sleeping calmly through the night. Keep in mind that each diffuser only works in a limited amount of space, so my condo has 2500 square feet and I have 6 of them throughout my unit. I'm a believer for now. And my plan is to keep the collar and diffuser for a few months and then wean them off of the product.
By Nereid7
UpState NY
August 10, 2014
My almost-17 yr.old Gent with declining kidney function and consequential acceleration of thyroid is greatly calmed with the use of the Feliway Electric Diffuser. I have one in the dining room where he naps much of the time and one in the upstairs hallway that I believe is sensed by both him and my 12/26/13 "adoptee", a 7- or 8-ish female when they're in that part of the house.
By Amanda
East Coast
Good product
July 25, 2014
Great product and arrived very quickly which was great.
New Smyrna Beach, FL
I believe Feliway really helped!
July 3, 2014
Two of my ten cats had to have surgery recently plus another cat suddenly got very sick and the vet had to euthanize her. This caused stress to all of the cats but I think the Feliway deffuser helped calm them and aided in the recovery of the two that had surgery. Also, when the two that had surgery had to return to the vets for follow up visits I sprayed their carriers with Feliway and I think this also helped keep them calm for the trip and visit.
Thank you Feliway and Entirely Pets!
By marjac
Toronto ON
didn't work
May 8, 2014
My vet suggested I try this product to calm my cat and stop her from pulling out her fur but unfortunately it was completely unsuccessful.
By Karyjosim
Urinating problem
April 6, 2014
I am very satisfied with this product. I bought it with 3 diffusers and prices is very good. My cat seem to be calm with this product. I have a problem with my cat about urinating. This is the best prices I find.
By treelady62
Calm kitties
March 27, 2014
We have these in our house. We have cats with crazy personalities. I can always tell when one of the difussers is out because the cats start acting crazy.
By Catlover
Stockton CA
best working
March 23, 2014
So far we have not had a cat urinate on the kitchen counters in 7 days. I hope it keeps up.
By FrankJ
Too soon to say
March 13, 2014
I haven't been using this product long enough to be sure that it will work efficiently. So far, my cat has had one relapse. That was 10+ days ago. She's behaving better than before I used Feliway, but I want to wait a while longer to really believe that it is working as planned.
By mama b.
Columbus, Ohio
February 20, 2014
This diffuser seems to work to calm down our cats. I ordered one and then decided to re-order. They are all getting along better now and starting to accept the "newcomer" into the house.
By Older c.
Really helps
February 17, 2014
This really seems to help with my cat's stress peeing. Lasts about a month, so a little pricey. Worth it though.
By aliecat70
February 3, 2014
it has not stopped the inappropriate urination.:( I have had my pet vetted so know it's behavioral. disappointed but, will continue to use in the hopes it is helping him to relax.
By catpheromones
wick dries out
December 30, 2013
The pheromones really do the job! My skittish kitty loves to hang out a few feet from the diffuser and roll around. The diffuser, however, is a total nuisance! The wick dries, I turn the diffuser upside down so the liquid can rewet the wick and a few days later it's dried out again.
By Corydancer
Great stuff!
October 23, 2013
My kitty has sprayed in the house a few times, and has bitten me a few times. She seems to be moody and clearly demonstrates more anxiety at certain times. I purchased 3 Feliway diffusers and they have worked like a charm. She is much more content and affectionate when the diffusers are on.
By prof5433
best product ever woks extremely well
September 30, 2013
My cats quit fighting 3 days. No more spraying.
Can not live w/o it
By kittenmom
N.Olmsted, OH
Good purchase
August 22, 2013
Feliway is a great product. We have 2 unfixed cats (one male 1 female). The female went into heat and the male went nuts. Even though we placed the female in a separate room the male was yodeling all the time. The Feliway helped tremendously in calming both until her vet appt.It even helped keep her calm after her operation. I would have given the product a 5 star but it did nothing in regards to the spraying problem our 2 fixed older male cats developed. I bought and used diffusers, refills and the spray.
By Gorilla g.
Pgh Pa
Helps a household with stressed cats
July 4, 2013
I have 2 older male cats and 1 young female cat that was somewhat wild. I found that the feliway helps mellow out the younger cat and makes her less skittish. It also helps the older cats tolerate each other.I think it is definitely worth using.
By BoomRsMom
Review for 3 PACK FELIWAY 30 Day Starter Kit (144mL)
June 27, 2013
after removing carpet in our bedrooms and putting in hardwood flooring our cat was very unhappy and let us know by urine marking - it was a very stressful time for us but after getting this plug in he calmed down within a couple days we are very happy and he seems to be fine now - we have decided to keep the plug ins running for a few months as we have house sitters coming in to stay with him for a couple weeks we always thought our 'dude' was a very easy going cat therefore did not realize that such an environmental change would upset him so much! eeeek we have two plug ins, one upstairs and one in the basement, our house is a bungalow
St. Paul, MN
LOVE this Product!
June 20, 2013
We have three neutered male cats and suddenly one of our kitties decided to start spraying because of "alpha-male" issues in our house. All areas were cleaned, however, I was desperate for help with correcting this problem. Our vet suggested this product and I ordered it. I have been praising this product to everyone I know with cats - it truly helps with calming all of our cats and provides a more harmonious environment!
By Tully
Las Vegas, NV
Great stuff
April 26, 2013
In multiple cat family, one male started to spray EVERYTHING. The vet could find nothing wrong, so suggested we try this. We had been at our wits end. And it works! We still have a couple of spots he uses occasionally, but improving all the time.
By swags12
Kiel, Wisconsin
Feliway for multiple cats
March 4, 2013
With 8 cats of various ages and genders, it is not surprising that they didn't all get along. My Veterinarian suggested I try using Feliway and diffuser to try to calm the cats down. It works like a charm. I have 4 going at all times, to help keep the fighting at a minimal. The cats are all much happier and get along better. They really like to lay down under the diffuser and get a real dreamy look. Would recommend. Been using it for 4 years straight.
By SusyQ
Review for 3 PACK FELIWAY 30 Day Starter Kit (144mL)
January 28, 2013
We were taking our oldest cat, Annie to the vet once a month for shots forf anxiety. I use these in the bedroom where she sleeps and I also use the spray once a day on her bedding. HAVEN'T HAD TO GO BACK TO THE VET! Our two younger cats were always fighting and that has almost stopped with uaing one of them in the family room.
A Big Help
January 23, 2013
This product is a life saver for living with stressed cats- for the people and the cats. Your price is very good- and I have compared! Thank you
By Toomanykittens
Woodbridge, CT
Beyond expectations
January 19, 2013
I don't really know if this is real, but a few weeks ago, my cats and dogs were absolutely driving each other nuts and now they are actually laying down together. ,,Only major issue is that the unit gets hot, so I plugged them each into a wall with an individual surge suppressor. No problems now.
By shoeladymg
New Jersey
Not sure if it works or not
January 8, 2013
I am using Feliway diffusers in a couple rooms of my home. I have a multi-cat household and one cat seems to want to claim his territory by defacating on my couch or bed where one of the other cats sleeps. I am not sure if the product is working or not. It seemed to be and then he got into my bedroom and did it again! right where one of the other cats sleep! Yikes. I have been using the product for almost 3 months, maybe it needs more time. I refill the diffusers when they run out. Got the spray too, but have not really used it yet.
By Dolores
Review for 3 PACK FELIWAY 30 Day Starter Kit (144mL)
December 24, 2012
First time to use this product and it seems to be working. I will definitely use again. Our older cat was having seperation with urinary issues when his dad went out of town for work. Happy cat & Mom!
By crich113
Really Works!
December 12, 2012
We travel a bit and one of my cats really stresses out when I'm away. We used to find on our return that he had urinated on something that was connected with me - pillow, throw, etc. Since we've started using Feliway, we have only had one single occurence of this behavior in the last year, despite being away on at least 10 different trips. We have a diffuser in every room. This latest purchase was for my Dad who has a cat that has bouts of feline hyperesthesia. I'm hoping this might help to calm her down some during these episodes.
By Annie
Hartville, Ohio
October 23, 2012
Feliway diffuser and Feliway products work! My cats were fighting , scratching and marking their territory. I plugged in the diffuser and the next day they stopped. I could tell when it was running low because they started acting up again. It is hard to believe that it works so well.
By Pecan
Feliway Electric Diffuser - recommended
October 23, 2012
Must have in multi cat households especially if there is fighting or if you just moved.
I bought this because my two cats began fighting a lot for no reason other than maybe some unknown stress like being indoors all the time.
I put this diffuser where my two cats hang out the most and I have found that the fighting has been greatly reduced, stopped for the most part!! Try it out.